How dare you? 😡️
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What are you trying to say?
It's not always easy.
Interesting discussion.
Everything is true on the internet.
What do you mean?
Well done!
Shut up
Unlucky thoughts
Normal people
Blue cupboard
You bet
Good morning, axehandle
Tell me when the penny drops
I wish I could upvote this
What do you think?
About time!
You're not anonymous
Lights are on
Don't laugh.
No shit
I'm dying!
Where did you get drugs?
Sharpest knife.
Thanks for telling me.
Fuck off!
N.B! Sarcasm.
Are you stupid?
You're not wrong.
New phone
Risky click
The short answer is no
Why did I read this?
Your mother must be proud
Call the prosecutor!
Stop sniffing glue
Next Nobel price!
The nicest thing I've heard!
Always has been.
You're gorgeous.
Peace on Earth.
Just as helpful as I thought
Your mother
Eating crayons
Do you even lift?
Beating children
No stupid questions
No, this is Patrick
Do you speak English?
Dumber than average
Association of slow thinkers
Center of the universe
Internal joke
How dare you?
Are you a cop?
Do you want to fight?
A hug